Last modified 27/07/05 15:01:26
User Test Requirements
- Need ability to open an existing course when you enter.
- Can you upload an existing course and use the wizard to edit it? Would this be helpful or would you just use reload?
- Once author in for whole course can you cascade their name throughout but allow it to editable for when there is more than one author
- Need to change the fields available to edit at different level screens also the title of the fields i.e. course title and screen title.
- Import completed course skeleton a bit odd as step 5
- Spec as an output i.e. a readable version of the manifest.
- Can you input unit titles at course level and then have them cascade to the units when you get to the course view.
Editable html documents With title author and metadata from WCKER
Standard templates?
- Induction – c. 80% re written content we could generate
- Introduction – content plus learning objectives from WCKER
- Content screen – blank?
- Activity screen context box and activity box – more than one type of activity defined by the wizard?
- References screen – any clever way to do this?
- Assessment - we don’t do this but if we did what would we need to do – Suffolk may want this?
- Conclusion screen – what would be standard in here
- Do we always define a standard structure or to they have any say?
- Only be able to edit screen level content when you have filled out information at unit level.
Develop look and feel templates
Information to collect at each level
See short course spec document. Some fields filled in but editable. Add a notes field at each level.
Take help at each screen from author guides link to examples of each thing elsewhere?
(110.0 KB) - added by mantonm 11 years ago.