A Focus for Phase 2 of the WCKER
The Waterloo partners visited Oxford (2005-02-14 - 2005-02-15) to discuss the next phase of the WCKER project.
Discussion focused around the LearningMapR process outlined by the Waterloo group and how this could be driven by the WCKER to create an IMS LD focused wizard. The Waterloo group have written a report which collects these ideas and suggest possible ways forward. See the LearningMapR report
- A super editor for IMS LD will inevitably be too complex for tutor no matter how ‘visual’ the interface.
- Tutors are unlikely to be able to engage directly in an explicitly pedagogical to designing learning.
- IMS LD tools are immature at present but the potential for the specification is high.
Summary of UK meeting:
Waterloo and TALL to extend the WCKER to be capable of running the LearningMapR Instructional Design Wizard.
Principle behind the LearningMapR:
- Helps tutors to map out a course (module) and break it down into topics and tasks.
(This aspect of the LearningMapR process should be a natural use of the existing IMS CP aspects of the WCKER)
- Tutors map or score there topics against a ‘know and do’ taxonomy (version 1 = New Blooms) and a learning outcomes taxonomy (version 1?)
- The resulting score leads the tutor to an appropriate learning design in IMS LD
- The pedagogy aspects of this process are strong but implicit.
- Content and Tasks are handled separately to focus the tutor on the learning design aspects of the process.
Tutors can edit the IMS LD at this stage in an appropriate editor (this editor does not exist yet in an appropriate form but may be the next stage of the IMS LD editor in Reload) In the short term the WCKER LD could output data in a form that could be given to an IMS LD specialist to build in contemporary tools. This then bridges the gap between IMS LD and tutors in the short term.
- Both the whole course/module and the individual learning design tasks will be mapped as IMS LD.
Groups responsibilities:
- TALL: Tool building with some pedagogical and IMS LD input
- Waterloo: Research, Template / exemplar creation, IMS LD expertise.
Next steps:
- Waterloo group to build some example IMS LD templates and exemplars
- Both groups to look for funding for this phase 2 of the WCKER project.