Last modified 24/11/04 12:28:47
GUI questions/interface
This page describes the questions we'll ask in the TALL short course wizard GUI, mapping them to the IMS Content Package/Metadata? Infoset.
Page 1
Course title | cp:manifest/cp:organizations/cp:organization/cp:title | Also inserted into HTML |
Author | cp:manifest/cp:organizations/cp:organization/cp:metadata/-[[br]]-imsmd:lom/imsmd:lifecycle/imsmd:contribute | We need to decide what different contributor roles we handle (e.g. Author, Editor, Content Provider). |
Is this the only author on the course? | n/a | May not be neccessary - instead we could: 1) assume one author; 2) inherit that value throughout the heirarchy (lazily?); 3) pre-fill the field; 4) allow overriding of the field; 5) propagate overrides down the heirachy (lazily?) |
Course Aim | cp:manifest/cp:organizations/cp:organization/cp:metadata/-[[br]]-imsmd:lom/imsmd:classification/imsmd:purpose | Add with imsmd:purpose of Educational Objective |
Page 2
As page one, plus:
- A treeInput representing the manifest's organization
- Zero or more "Add <item>" buttons (where <item> is an allowed child of the element selected in the tree)
- A Delete button(s)
- Move up/Move down buttons to adjust the heirachy
N.B. Add/delete/move up/move down buttons could be included once for the GUI page, or repeatedly - for each item in the tree.
Button behaviours
"Add <item>" button
- Whether an "Add <item>" button is presented is defined in wizard/init/structure
- The strings that replace "<item>" at different hierarchy depths are defined in wizard/init/structure
- Adds a child <item> within the selected element to the hierarchy. E.g. with the Course selected, there will be an "Add Unit" button; with a Unit selected, there will be an "Add Page" button.
"Delete" button
- Requests confirmation of deletion of <item> (and any children)
- Removes selected item (and any children) from hierarchy
"Move up" and "Move down" buttons
- Moves the selected item one position up or down between it's siblings - does not move between hierachy depths.