Last modified 27/10/04 10:14:29
Draft data model for the TALL Short Coures Wizard
Asterix = data pre-filled
Itallics = optional data
Screen 1
- Wizard option screen
- Import / Package existing file structure made with WCKER?
Screen 2
- Title
- Contributors (are you the only author?)
- Course Aim
- Course Objectives
- Level
- Length
- Learning Outcomes
Screen 3
Hierarchy (HTML?) maybe word for TALL (Notes)
The unit pages are simply pre-titles pages (will they have contextual notes / description in them?)
- Course
- Intro Unit (automaticaly generated)
- 10 Units, each with:
- Session overview
- Reading
- Background
- Reading guide
- Activities
- Concluding points and questions
(duplicate warnings?)
Data details for screen 3
- Title
- Contributors (are you the only author?)
- Course Aim
- Course Objectives
- Level
- Length
- Learning Outcomes
- Title
- Contributors*
- Unit Aim
- Unit Objectives
- Length (Time Units? etc)
- Learning Outcomes
- Title*
- Contributors*
- Notes
- Description
Screen 4
Overview (alerts) Output options and explanation
Functions at hierarchy level?
Add + Remove + Move (drag + drop) Finish (Screen3)
Make set of authoring templates (file structure) needs explanation (screen4)
Make package (screen4)