Last modified 18/01/05 09:46:02
Present: DB, TK, DW, DJ
- On Philip Bs advice we are going with SWT for the gui as a forward facing move.
- Wiki has been organised to be easier to navigate.
- DJ is well on his way to laying out the latest version of page 1 of the GUI in SWT.
- Members of the Waterloo team to visit Feb 14 - 15th.
- DW and TK to attend UNFOLD 16 - 18 of Feb.
- Evaluation of eveluators uncofirmed 26th of Jan visit.
- Documentation.. What do we need to explain where we are in the project.
- JISC Open Source policy, more of a 'software development policy'
- DB and DJs methods of sharing code.
- Version control problem with the project server.
- DB to sort out version control on the project server.
- TK to chase up other course formats.
- DJ to build heirerchy page in SWT.
- DJ and DB to build a 'thin slice' of the full functionality.
- All tech decisions to be made by end of Jan, leaving Feb and March for build.
- DW to amend workpackages.