Last modified 26/04/06 16:16:33

WCKER for the e-learning community

WCKER is designed to make the benefits of IMS standards compliant material available to a much wider audience by making the popular RELOAD tool easier for less technically expert. This in turn facilitates the creation, sharing and reuse of learning objects, courses and services. The ability to write a range of wizards for Reload bridges the gap between powerful e-learning tools and non-technical users.

WCKER with reload provides the crucial "missing link" which allows users to easily author and transfer learning objects, in specification compliant format, between authoring and design tools, local and distributed digital repositories, and VLEs. Notably WCKER facilitates:

  • A widening of the range of users who can work with Reload.
  • An increase in the use of IMS and SCORM content packages and therefore an increase in interoperable digital content.
  • A better understanding of the mechanisms in content packaging that can be used to create pedagogically effective eLearning.
  • A pragmatic approach to the use of standards and the philosophy of the ELF, linking the technical with the pedagogical.

To know more about RELOAD and the advantages and opportunities standards compliant eLearning materials provide follow the links below.

If you would like to try WCKER, download it from the WckerDownload page, and choose the "Example wizard" to explore the main features of the tool.