== Project Narrative == This WCKER is deigned to help you create course based on astandard course model. By taking you through a series of stages it will help you structure and specify your course, creating the screens you need to author in. At each stage there will be guidance and advice on what is required. This structured approach to course specification and creation is important for several reasons. * It will help you to conceive of the course as a coherent whole. * The authoring process becomes much easier if a detailed plan has been laid down in advance. * It is important to decide how the course works at an overall level before tackling the more detailed content authoring, to ensure a coherent experience for the student. You can find out about the project so far by exploring the links below. * [wiki:EarlyUseCases Inital Prose Use Cases] * [wiki:GuiProtoypes Inital Screen Designs] * Simple Prototype [/chrome/site/files/demo.swf] * [wiki:GuiPrototype Technical GUI Walkthrough] (annotated prototype) * [wiki:MeetingNotes Meeting Notes are a useful informal guide to our thinking]